Hollingbury Hawks Football Club – Our Club Ethos

As Club Officials, Managers and Coaches of Hollingbury Hawks FC, we each have a responsibility to demonstrate, promote and ensure high standards of behavior across everything we do associated to the club and the game. 

We lead by example, both on and off the pitch, challenging behavior that is not aligned to our ethos.

As Officials of Hollingbury Hawks FC, we are the Club.

The Club

  • I make and accept decisions that benefit the whole club, not just my individual team.
  • I show respect and talk openly and constructively to all club officials/the committee if I am unhappy about anything at the club.
  • I demonstrate respect towards all other club officials, managers, coaches and players.
  • I raise issues of discipline or welfare with the appropriate club officials at the earliest opportunity and accept the advice and guidance they provide.
  • I strive to build and develop a team which represent the ethos of the club, which competes to its best ability and plays to win fairly, but also understands it is not win at all cost.
  • Encourages an environment that is inclusive, supportive and provides fair opportunity for all.
  • Above all, has fun and that people want to be a part of.

The Team

  • I treat my players with respect and honesty, helping them to understand, learn and develop inthe game through talking to them and listening to their views and opinions.
  • I encourage, support and provide fair opportunity for all members of the team, regardless of ability and expect all players and supporters to do the same.
  • I always show respect for the rules of the game and it’s officials (referee), ensuring players and supporters understand and demonstrate the same respect.

Other Teams/Clubs

  • My team and I shake hands with the other team and referee at the end of the game, regardless of the result.
  • We always demonstrate respect towards all opposition officials, managers, coaches and players of opposing teams.