Hollingbury Hawks Football Club Constitution


  1. The Club shall be known as Hollingbury Hawks Football Club and be open to boys and girls aged 7 to 16, playing in competitions as entered by the Committee from Under-8 to Under-16 age groups, with either boys, girls or mixed teams according to Football Association guidelines. The club is affiliated to the Sussex County FA. The club enters teams into the Sussex FA County Cup, Sussex Sunday Youth League and associated League Cup, and from time to time other competitions as deemed appropriate. The club will also enter small-sided teams onto summer tournaments. Players shall play for their own age group, or one year younger only according to FA and League rules.
  2. The Committee shall consist of the Chair, Vice-Chair, Club Secretary, Fixtures Secretary, Club Welfare Officer and Treasurer. Roles can be combined to fall under the responsibility of one individual; however, neither the Chair nor the Club Secretary should take on more than one role. Additional roles can be created by the agreement of the Committee. The Club Secretary is the main point of contact between the Club and the FA and League, save where welfare issues are directly communicated between the Club Welfare Officer and the FA’s Welfare Officer. The Fixtures Secretary will be the point of contact with other clubs for the arranging of fixtures, and with the League for the booking of fixtures and reporting of results.
  3. Voting members entitled to vote during official club meetings will be members of the Committee, Team Managers, and any other interested party providing they have attended at least six of the eight previous official meetings prior to the meeting at which they intend to vote.
  4. With the exception of Officers and Team Managers, Voting members will lose their right to vote if they fail to attend three consecutive meetings.
  5. Regular committee meetings will be held, and also regular meetings for team managers with the committee.
  6. An Annual General Meeting will be held in May of each year. The committee, managers and any other interested parties may attend the AGM, two weeks’ notice of which will be given by the Club Secretary. The Treasurer’s report and Accounts will be presented for approval at this meeting, and the Chair, Club Secretary and Fixtures Secretary should also report. Final business at that meeting will be the election/re-election of Officers as defined in point 2 above.
  7. Nominations for all Officers must be proposed and seconded by voting members, and all Officers must themselves be Voting members as outlined in point 3 above.
  8. Should an Officer stand down during the course of the year immediate elections can be carried out to replace them subject to the rules above.
  9. A Special General Meeting for any purpose must be arranged in the Club Secretary receives a request stating the reasons from either:
  • Three members of the committee.
  • Six Voting members.
  • Three Voting members and three non-voting interested parties provided that they have attended four meetings in the previous 12 months. This includes no-confidence/constitutional issues that may arise and which can be voted on by a simple majority.


  1. This constitution can be suspended or amended by a simple majority either if two weeks notice is given by the Club Secretary in writing, or at the previous meeting verbally by the Chair or the Club Secretary.
  2. If a Voting member, interested party, supporter, player or parent connected to the club has demonstrated conduct showing them to be unfit for continued association with the club, they can be expelled by the moving and seconding of Voting members of a motion setting out the complaint. A two-thirds majority is required. The person subject to the motion must be given two weeks written notice of the motion and be invited to attend the meeting at which it is discussed. The complaint must be described to the person in their presence and the person be given the right to give as full an explanation as they wish, and to call a reasonable number of witnesses to support their explanation. The person must withdraw during subsequent discussion and vote. If the motion is carried the person shall be informed immediately and in writing within one week by the Club Secretary, and will not be permitted to attend any future meetings.
  3. The club will elect a Club Captain, who will also act as a Players’ representative to the committee. The Club Captain will not attend regular meetings but will meet with the committee from time to time. This player will come from one of the two oldest age groups at the club (Under 15 or Under 16).
  4. The club will also seek two Parent Representatives, one to represent players playing Mini- Soccer (Under 8 to Under 10) and one to represent players in the older age groups. These Parent Representatives will not be Voting members unless they qualify under the criteria in point 3 above.
  5. Dissolution clause – If, upon the winding up or dissolution of the Club there remains after the satisfaction of all the Club’s debts and liabilities any property whatsoever, the same shall be given or transferred to some other organisation or organisations having objects (that is, aims and activities) similar to the objects of the Club, such organisation or organisations to be determined by the members of the Club by Resolution passed at a General meeting at or before the time of the dissolution, and in so far as effect cannot be given to such provision then to some charitable objects.
    Providers of grants and recurring sponsorship shall be consulted and informed.